Voice Clinic
Established in 1977, St Vincent’s Voice Clinic provides a range of specialist services to people with voice disorders.
Assessment of vocal function is offered by a Speech Pathologist and Otolaryngologist to provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of the patient. In the Voice Laboratory, the Speech Pathologist uses computerised voice analysis systems to obtain objective information about the voice. A well-trained ear is also essential in identifying, analysing and treating voice problems.
At the weekly Voice Clinic, the Otolaryngologist uses videolaryngoscopy and stroboscopy to assess vocal fold appearance, mobility and mucosal wave. This enables an accurate diagnosis of the voice disorder to be made. During fibreoptic nasoendoscopy the Speech Pathologist assesses patterns of voice use and the effectiveness of therapy techniques. The patient is able to view their own larynx and modify vocal behaviour during the assessment.
Treatment of a voice disorder will be based on the diagnosis and vocal function. For some conditions the Otolaryngologist will offer surgery. Extreme care is taken that the vibrating mucosal wave is not damaged during surgery. The laser is appropriate for papilloma, haemorrhagic conditions, some cases of laryngeal stenosis and cancers. St Vincent’s Hospital has a special interest in laryngotracheal reconstruction after injury and stenosis of the larynx and also laryngeal conservation surgery on cancers of both the larynx and hypopharynx. See Voice Assessment Centre.
For disorders of vocal function, the Speech Pathologist will provide information about voice care and the prevention of voice disorders. Individual voice therapy will assist the patient to develop efficient and effective vocal production.
St Vincent’s Voice Clinic specialises in the management of neurological voice disorders, muscle misuse disorders, care of the professional voice (teachers, singers, actors) and surgical management of voice disorders such as vocal fold paralysis.
Voice Workshops are conducted regularly for school teachers.
The specialist voice team includes:
- Mrs Judith Rough, Speech Pathologist
- Dr Ian Cole, Voice Surgeon, 02 8382 3372 or Voice Assessment Centre 02 8382 6482