Research and Training
Medical Research
- Analysis of the results of management of vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas) and other skull base tumours
- Cochlear and brainstem implants
- Auto immune ear disease
- Genetics of neurofibroma
- Altered cell cycle and oral tongue cancer (Garvan Institute)
- Molecular biology or laryngeal cancer
- Results of arytenoid adduction for tenth nerve lesions
- Use of EMG in vocal cord paralysis/paresis
- Use of Botulinus toxin for focal laryngeal dystonia
- Stem Cell Research for hearing loss
Undergraduate Training
The Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery have a long standing commitment to the teaching of medical students, interns, residents and registrars as well as attracting international fellows.
The department members teach students from the University of NSW and the University of Notre Dame both in the assessment of ENT conditions as well as giving them an introduction to the surgical management of both common and advanced conditions.
Postgraduate and Registrar Training
St Vincent’s Hospital is a tertiary referral teaching hospital with two accredited trainees in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
Weekly education sessions for all trainees in NSW are run on a Tuesday evening comprising an hour of case discussions followed by a consultant reviewed presentation on the cutting edge topics in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. The members of the department are active participants in these teaching sessions.
The Anatomy Laboratory for Nose and Sinus, and Temporal Bone dissection is used on a regular basis for training courses. The Lab is also available outside these times for registrars to utilise.