Otology, Neuro-otology, and Lateral Skull Base Publications
Sanna, M. Piazza, P. Shin, SH, Flanagan,S. Mancini, F. Microsurgery of Skull Base Paragangliomas. Stuttgart. Thieme. June 2013.
Flanagan, S. Tinnitus. How To Treat. Australian Doctor. July 2013.
Flanagan, S. The Ageing Ear. Geriatric Medicine in General Practice. Vol 4, March 2010
Piccirillo, E. Wiet, M. Flanagan, S. Dispenza, F.Giannuzzi, A. Mancini, F. Sanna, M. Cystic Vestibular Schwannoma: Classification, Management, and Facial Nerve Outcome. Otology & Neurotology 2009; 30:826-834.
Bacciu A, Falcioni M, Pasanisi E, Flanagan S. Intracranial facial nerve grafting after removal of vestibular schwannoma. Am J Otolaryngol 2009;30:83-8.
Mario Sanna MF, Abdelkader Taibah, and Sean Flanagan. Temporal Bone Meningiomas. In: Meningiomas. London: Springer; 2009:393-8.
Mario Sanna, Sean Flanagan, G. DeDonato, A.Bacciu, and Maurizio Falcioni. Jugular Foramen Meningiomas II: An Otologist’s Approach, Perspective and Experience. In: Meningiomas. London: Springer; 2009:521-8.
Dispenza F, De Stefano A, Flanagan S, Romano G, Sanna M. Decision making for solitary vestibular schwannoma and contralateral Meniere’s disease. Audiol Neurootol 2008;13:53-7.
Piccirillo E, Guida M, Flanagan S, Lauda L, Fois P, Sanna M. CNAP To Predict Functional Cochlear Nerve Preservation in NF-2: Cochlear Implant or Auditory Brainstem Implant. Skull Base 2008;18:281-7.
Sanna M, Dispenza F, Flanagan S, De Stefano A, Falcioni M. Management of chronic otitis by middle ear obliteration with blind sac closure of the external auditory canal. Otol Neurotol 2008;29:19-22.
Sanna M, Flanagan S. The combined transmastoid retro- and infralabyrinthine transjugular transcondylar transtubercular high cervical approach for resection of glomus jugulare tumors. Neurosurgery 2007;61:E1340; author reply E.
Sanna M, Flanagan S. Surgical management of lesions of the internal carotid artery using a modified Fisch Type A infratemporal approach. Otol Neurotol 2007;28:994
Flanagan S, Mukherjee P, Tonkin J. Outcomes in the use of intra-tympanic gentamicin in the treatment of Meniere’s disease. J Laryngol Otol 2006;120:98-102.
Flanagan S. Otitis Externa in the Paediatric Setting. Paediatrics & child health in general practice 2009.
Flanagan SK, K.. Indications for Tympanostomy Tubes. Paediatrics & child health in general practice 2008.
Vertigo: Assessment and Management. Australian Medical Observer. September 2005.
Giant Mucous Cysts of the Base of Tongue in Children . Biggs N., Walker P. Australian Journal of Otolaryngology. 1997: 2; 483-485.
Solitary fibrous tumour of the cerebello-pontine angle. Biggs N., Fagan P., Turner J., Doust B. Skull Base Surgery 2000;
The lateral skull base approach to extensive nasopharyngeal tumours. Biggs N., Fagan P., Cole I., Sheridan B. Australian Journal of Otolaryngology. 2001: 4; 33-37.
Endoscopic Pituitary Tumour Removal. Pell M., Atlas M., Biggs N. In : Operative Neurosurgery. Kaye A., Black PM ed. Churchill Livingstone 2000: 715-22
Schwannoma of the chorda tympani. Biggs N., Fagan P. J Laryngol Otol. 2001 Jan;115(1):50-2
Cochlear implantation in a previously irradiated temporal bone – a case report. Biggs NDW, Ramsden RT. Cochlear Implants International 2001 Sep;2(2):129-34
Spinal tumors in neurofibromatosis type 2. Is emerging knowledge of genotype predictive of natural history? Dow G, Biggs N, Evans G, Gillespie J, Ramsden R, King A J Neurosurg Spine. 2005 May;2(5):574-9.
“Gaze evoked tinnitus following acoustic neuroma resection: a de-afferentation plasticity phenomenon?” Biggs NDW, Ramsden RT Clin Otolaryngol 2002; 27: 338-343.
Management of cystic facial neuromas: an alternative approach. Rodrigues SJ, Fagan PA, BiggsND Otol Neurotol. 2004 Mar;25(2):183-5
Complications of occipital bone pneumatisation. Moss M, Biggs N, Fagan PA, Forer M, Davis M, Roche J. Australasian Radiology 2004 48: 259-63
Sudden Hearing Loss: A Guide for GP’s. Biggs ND. Medicine Today 2006; June 7(6):55-60
Conservative management of acoustic neuroma. Sanosi AA, Fagan PA, Biggs NDW Skull Base Surgery 2006; 16: 95-100
Complications of keratosis obturans. Saunders NC, Malhotra R, Biggs N, Fagan PA. J Laryngol Otol. 2006 Sep;120(9):740-4
External Auditory Canal Meningo-Encephalocoele with Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Otorrhoea. Wills A., Biggs ND. Otolology Head Neck Surg 2008 Sep;139(3):478-9.
Trends in management of vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma). Biggs ND. Proceedings St Vincent’ Clinic, Sydney. Vol 16 No: 1 Dec 2008.
“The Discharging Ear” – an approach to assessment Biggs, N. Medicine Today, 2010; 11(8): 28-34
Perineural Trigeminal nerve Abscess Secondary to Mucor Sinusitis – Serial DW MR imaging and literature Review. Chaganti J, Marriott D, Steel T, Donovan J, Biggs N. Clin Radiol. 2011 Nov;66(11):1106-9
Revision surgery for CPA tumours – is the risk worth it? Biggs N J Neurol Surg – Part B 2012 June; 73(S2): 164
The use of cone beam computerized tomography to determine cochlear implant electrode position in human temporal bones. S R. Saeed, D Selvadurai, T Beale, N Biggs, B Murray, P Gibson, F Risi, P Boyd. Otol Neurotol. 2014 Sep;35(8):1338-44
The use of cone beam imaging to determine cochlear implant electrode position in human temporal bones. Saeed SR, Selvadurai D, Beale T, Murray B, Boyd P, Biggs N, Gibson P, Risi F. Cochlear Implants Int. 2013 Nov;14 Suppl 4:S14-5.
The prevalence of cochlear obliteration after labyrinthectomy using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and implications for cochlear implantation. Charlett SD, Biggs N. Accepted Otol Neuro-otol